Welcome to Dollypad.Finance

First B2E/P2E virtual platform who provide ability to do Business, Create, Play and Earn in a virtual world owned by its users.

Business to Earn (B2E)

Do business, trade, negotiate, recruit on the Dollypad.Finance platform and earn tokens for each successful transaction.
Our smart contracts ensure the reliability, security and authenticity of transactions.

Create your own space

Create buildings, wearables, job offers, vehicles and more, using our Builder tool, then take part in games and business to earn tokens. 
For advanced creators, we provide a SDK to create assets, games and jobs…

Trade and Earn

With Dollypad.Finance marketplace you can buy and sell avatars,lands,buildings,wearables,cars, in summary all built assets.
Don’t want to sell your NFTs ? 
So, Rent your land or your vehicle and earn profit.
Staking is available too, keep NFTs and/or DOLL token on your wallet and earn more tokens.
  • Up to 10% DOLL cashback on all NFT transactions
  • Exchange DOLL for Solana or USDC
  • Trade DOLL on several exchanges

What is DOLL Token?

DOLL is a utility token deployed on the Solana blockchain. It gives the right to vote to its holders on all decisions of the Dollypad.Finance ecosystem, a priviliged access to the NFT marketplace and passive income generation through staking pools.

Investors who use DOLL to purchase NFTs on the Marketplace will receive a 10% discount.

NFT collections




Q3, 2021 Brainstorming
Check of viability of the project. R&D on Dollypad.Finance concept and Business model. Core team building.
Q4, 2021 Elaboration of Platform
Establishment of Tokenomics, Roadmap v1 and the marketing strategy. Publish Website. First talks with major investors. Design Dollypad.Finance Art Concept.
Q1, 2025 Fundraising
Establishment of Whitepaper v1. Setting up legal entity. Pre-launch marketing campaigns. Create Socials networks (twitter,discord,telegram).
Q2,2025 Final concept
Extend core team. Start Presale token. Writing Roadmap V2. Build Partnership.
Q3,2025 Start Economy
Build 3D game team. Present Art concept. Writing Whitepaper v2. Launch private token sales. Start Whitelisting for Avatar NFT and start Avatar NFT pre-sale. Launch NFT Marketplace.
Q4,2025 Land NFT sale
Start Dollypad.Finance development. Create public market. Start whitelisting for Land/Parcel NFT and launch Land/Parcel pre-sale.
Q1,2023 Beta access
Release Item builder beta and Dollypad.Finance beta
Q2 2023 Launch Dollypad.Finance
Public access to Dollypad.Finance


  • 10% Ecosystem reserve

  • 15% Team

  • 10% Marketing

  • 3% Advisors

  • 20% Staking

  • 18% P2E/B2E

  • 15% Private Sales

  • 4% Seed

  • 5% Public market